Zoning Administrative Officer: Yves Gonnet, appointed on March 8, 2022
Office hours: By appointment
Email: HuntingtonZoning@gmavt.net
Phone: (802) 434-3557
A Zoning Permit (formerly known as a Building Permit) is required for any new or expanded structure, land development, or change in use in Huntington, including home occupations. The Zoning Administrative Officer (ZAO) issues zoning permits, answers general zoning questions, and assists permit applicants prepare zoning applications.
Land Use Regulations (current 2024)
Vermont State Statute (Municipal And Regional Planning And Development)
Please note that the ZAO has 30 days to act on a completed application. Completed application includes, back-up information if requested and payment to the Town of Huntington. Any application that does not include payment is considered to be incomplete.
Useful Links for completing a Zoning Permit Application:
Agency of Natural Resources – Wastewater Permit Search
Agency of Natural Resources – Permit Navigator
Huntington Land Use Map Overlays
April 2024. There is a discrepancy between the description of the boundary between the Woodland and Conservation zoning districts as described in the text of the Land Use Regulations (as amended January 2024) compared to the on-line and paper versions of the map referenced in the Land Use Regulations. The Huntington Planning Commission is in the process of addressing the discrepancy. Please contact the ZAO for additional information.
A Subdivision creating two or more separate lots must have a Subdivision application submitted to the ZAO before subdividing your property. This application is reviewed by DRB. All paperwork must be submitted before a hearing with the DRB is scheduled.
Applications for the Town of Huntington’s DRB are due the first (1st) Wednesday of every month by 12 noon for the following month’s DRB meeting.
All applications, to be considered for DRB review, shall have a pre-application discussion with the ZAO to ensure clarity of application material required.
If DRB applications, upon timely submittal are deemed incomplete, the ZAO will make a good faith effort to contact the applicant of record to inform what materials are required to complete the application. If the application is not deemed complete by 12 noon of the second (2nd) Wednesday of the month prior to the scheduled DRB meeting, the application will not be placed on an agenda.
Warning Notices will be posted on the fourth (4th) Wednesday of the month.
Agendas and application materials to be placed on the Town’s website will be posted the Wednesday before the next scheduled DRB Meeting. Agendas and notices to be placed at the Town Office, Beaudry’s Store and the Huntington Public Library.
If you have any questions about projects on your property, you are encouraged to talk with the ZAO early in the planning process.
Zoning Forms & Applications
Issued Zoning Permits