Current News & Announcements

The Huntington Town Report is now at the printer and will be printed sometime in early February. Reports will be in the mail to all Huntington voters by February 22 (hopefully earlier than this) as required by statute. The report mailed to all Huntington mailboxes and the end of town that gets mail through Richmond is in a newsprint format. This is the version that will be used at Town Meeting.

Town Meeting Day Elections: March 4, 2025.
See links below under Town Clerk’s News.

Town-Wide Reappraisal Data Review: If you received a Field Record Card on your door, please click this link to verify your data. Enter your personalized code from the card to access.

BIKE & PEDESTRIAN GRANT: The Map of the Lower Village Redesign can be found HERE.

Lower Village Wastewater Feasibility and Affordability Preliminary Engineering Report

Lower Village Traffic Redesign: Supplemental Scoping Report final draft.

For background on the Old Town Forest Management Plan for the Old Town: “Story Map.”

Open Positions & Volunteer Opportunities

Vermont Open Meeting Laws


Polls are open 6:30 am to 7 pm at Brewster-Piece School.

Town Meeting begins at 9 am and goes until the business is complete.

Lunch will be served at noon – and, if the meeting is not concluded, it will reconvene after lunch.

Here are sample town and school ballots for the elections on March 4 and warnings for the two elections.


Town of Huntington Ballot

Town Warning

MMUUSD Warning

OFFICE CLOSED: The office is closed on Monday, February 19: Presidents Day, a Federal Holiday. Contemplate justice. Give thanks for living in this beautiful State of Vermont. Do something special with someone you love.

DOG REGISTRATION: Dog licenses for 2025 are available from the Town Clerk, starting January 2. Fill out the application at home. Or, come into the office and we will print it off here.

The price is $15 per dog; add $2 to do this through the mail. Checks are payable to the Town of Huntington.

By Vermont law, all dogs must be registered with the Town Clerk of the town in which the dog resides, which includes a copy of the certificate showing that rabies vaccination is current, on or before April 1. A fine may be imposed if your dog remains unregistered.

NOTE: Appointments are required to do property records research in the office. Start with accessing records online through Record Room, then make an appointment. The office is not open for drop-ins. Please make an appointment. You may access the link on the Town Clerk Page.

See the Town Clerk Page for complete information from the Town Clerks Office.

November 5 election results. Results were sent out on November 5 after the polls closed to the Town Clerk’s email list.

The green reflective signs with your 9-1-1 address are available at the Huntington Town Clerk’s Office. The cost is $10 and they are made to order. The proceeds from the sale of these signs go directly to Huntington First Response/Fire Department.
Call the office (434-2032) or email and the sign will be made for you to pick up.

Current Vermont Fire Danger.

All open fires larger than 30″ in diameter require a permit from the Huntington Fire Warden

Enjoy a hike in the new

Huntington Community Forest

Maps and more on the Forest page!